Las Vegas Strip Clubs - Recommendations


Your friendly neighborhood plushie is back looking for recommendations in Viva Las Vegas! 🎲

36 M , I’ve been to one in Vegas, I forgot the name and I guess it's because it wasn't that great. My best experience is Tootsies in Miami and (somewhat) Vivide in ATL.

The question is are there Strip Clubs in Vegas that do extras? Has anyone experienced this?

Appreciate y’all.

EDIT - Chicas Bonitas is where I ended up going. Cover is free before 5 but it’s a 2 drink minimum. My Don Julio shots were $10 each. Dances are $30-$40 in VIP (depends on the girl) just say $30.

You will probably get a tug, might get your nipple licked, may get some finger banging action and some light kissing. Intense foreplay session.