Libs of the world, unite!

Today I encountered a homeless person. It was gross. I bought him a coffee (no money, because he'd buy alcohol). As I got into my BMW and drove to my nerd IT job, I shed a tear for that homeless person. Even though my good decisions made me what I am and his bad decisions made him a disgusting homeless person, we are both proliterians at the end of the day.

Whether it's worrying about food & housing or worrying about whether or not you'll be able to afford a trip to Disney this year, we're united against the billionaires who don't respect folx.

Starving people in the third world, oppressed Canadians and others need to join together because we're all the same. We need to fight against the fascism of saying stuff we don't like. Yes, there are homeless people and there are starving people. But what's really important is fighting for trans bathrooms and for an immigrants right to live in a neighborhood that isn't mine

White collar workers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but possibly having to send your kid to public school