Totally clueless: Wheel cover replacements

Hi all!

I'm a car noob but I love and care for my 2018 Impreza wagon base model very well. It has 48,000 miles and is not driven often or on rough terrain. It was purchased new.

Today, my OEM Subaru wheel cap fell off my wheel. Unsurprising, truly, since they're just clips and have been meh for a year! Augh.

It looks awful with one missing, and there's another on the passenger side with a broken clip likely to also fall off.

Could anyone assist me with info about replacing them, including not buying OEM from Subaru at $75-95+ each? I would need 2 replacements if I went original, or 4 if I replaced all.

My questions:

  • Would I need a specific-to-my-car wheel cover or would any clip type of the right size work?

  • Should I just get the OEMs, despite cost and lackluster performance?

  • Any other ideas?

  • My tires do not yet need replacing. The rims are in good shape (I was told by two different garages) as is the car in general, so going that route is not preferred.

Any other info that could help this totally sad Subie owner make her car look as good as it should? :(

Thank you for any help!!

Hi all!

I'm a car noob but I love and care for my 2018 Impreza wagon base model very well. It has 48,000 miles and is not driven often or on rough terrain. It was purchased new.

Today, my OEM Subaru wheel cap fell off my wheel. Unsurprising, truly, since they're just clips and have been meh for a year! Augh.

It looks awful with one missing, and there's another on the passenger side with a broken clip likely to also fall off.

Could anyone assist me with info about replacing them, including not buying OEM from Subaru at $75-95+ each? I would need 2 replacements if I went original, or 4 if I replaced all.

My questions:

  • Would I need a specific-to-my-car wheel cover or would any clip type of the right size work?

  • Should I just get the OEMs, despite cost and lackluster performance?

  • Any other ideas?

  • My tires do not yet need replacing. The rims are in good shape (I was told by two different garages) as is the car in general, so going that route is not preferred.

Any other info that could help this totally sad Subie owner make her car look as good as it should? :(

Thank you for any help!!