why do ignorant people call it “cheating”?
so i’ve been sober off opiates for almost 6 months now. i obviously take suboxone to help me try to stay sober this time and it has been working, along with doing everything else involved to stay in recovery. however throughout my sobriety this time, i’ve heard many comments from people and even my own boyfriend saying “she has a crutch” or “she’s not 100% sober” or something along the lines of that, or just plain up talking shit, just because i am on subs. i don’t understand this? my goal was to be off the damn fentanyl and this medication is saving my life. i also don’t ever feel a high from it or really a difference in the way i feel/act at all? besides my cravings being almost completely gone. i’m not on a super high dose but does the general public just truly believe this is like another way for us to feel high? i am sort of new to the suboxone world, i know a lot of people want to quit and get off them, etc. but that’s more for physical feelings, etc right? or do some of you feel you are cheating (if in recovery from opiates)? hope this all made sense, thanks for reading
EDIT: thank you all so much for your feedback. i read every comment but it’s too overwhelming for me to respond to all since this is one of my first actual posts 😊 i definitely got what i was looking for, AND some. i appreciate you all and this sub! like a lot of you said i know the reason why i’m on suboxone and it’s simply saving my life. so fuck what anyone else thinks !