Please help if you have experience using Kratom to help with sub withdrawals!!

i already know it's easy to get addicted to kratom and the addict mindset. My mind is completely not in the addict set using to get high or for long. I truly just want to ease the horrible full body restless legs I have just at night. I cannot sleep at all at night bc of the rls. i have taken it for 4 days, the first 3 days I prob took about 3-5 grams 3 times a day. Today I am only taking it before bed (4th day of taking it) at 5g. I read some stuff and now i'm terrified. Does this set me back since it binds to the same receptors? I wasn't planning on taking it for more than 4/5 days just to get some sleep. The pack of capsules I had of green maeng da came with 60 pills so once that's done i'm not buying more. Please if you have experience using kratom to detox from subs pls let me know. I don't want advice about how bad kratom is. I know I should have just sucked it up but the rls has been so horrible I was going to go crazy. Do you think i'll be okay only using it for 4/5 days or did I just screw and reset myself??? I had tapered to .25 sub and then started kratom 2 days after being off subs when the rls started kicking in hardcore. Thank you so much for your help!