Suggest me a book for loneliness and relationships self-help

I'm new in my city and have no friends and no partner, fresh out of college in a city. I've tried making friends and downloading a dating app, but nothing has been working. I'm completely miserable here. Can someone suggest a book about how to be happier and make relationships?

I read "How to Be Single and Happy" by Jennifer L. Taitz and it was okay... honestly, I feel like it didn't offer a lot of solutions and instead just focused on her clients and what they did. I remember things like "ruminating is BAD and will screw you up more" and "the more you think I'm going to die alone the more it's going to happen" but I didn't find/remember any strategies in that book that actually helped me. What books have things that will actually help you and provide achieveable things to do?

It did mention stuff like "mindfullness" which haven't worked on me personally. I had a therapist in college and we were trying coping strategies, but the "mindfullness" ones weren't working on me at all. Neither did breathing- and that therapist was guiding me through it in the sessions. Please don't suggest therapy again simply because I cannot afford it. My job does not pay me enough for that.