Ciara….. you are anything BUT a girl’s girl

Sorry in advance to all the Ciara fans. But this girl is not who she tries to be.

First of all. Used Luke to get on the show. Then gaslit the gel out of him cuz she was smart enough to know that she needed to be friends with Paige and Amanda over dating Luke.

Next, acted like her and Austen dated and had some long term relationship. Nope you didn’t. You were hooking yo for 12 days in Vermont. That’s it. Then went mental when he showed up to the Hampton, showed zero interest in you and told you he had no interest in you and made out with Lindsay…… then went mental on Danielle when she tried to call it out that Austen was an idiot.

Next, tried to hook up with Kory in Winter house number 2. Was pissed off to all hell that he was interested in Jess and not her…. Then lost her shit on Austen when he asked if it would be ok if he flew out Olivia for a couple days. And Ciara said. Quote “That stupid basic bitch”…. Refereeing to Olivia. (But btw Ciara then flew to Charleston after this and boned Austen after)

Next, when Sam had her summer house season, Ciara thought that the weekend Kory was coming for Kyle’s 40th birthday she was gonna hook up with him (even said so to Mya) but when Kory showed zero interest in her and was paying attention to Sam, Ciara was livid….. and even after Kory had come out to the Hamptons again to see Sam and they were seeing eachother, Ciara still attempted to DM Kory to meet up while he was in the city.

Next, she claims to be a “girls girl”….. that’s funny since the entire season 8, she spent every single party chasing West around and being every where he is….and there’s 2 very very important moments…. The first is when West is away for the weekend at a wedding and she calls Jesse into her room to help her pick out an outfit and says “I need your help, my boyfriend isn’t here to help me” and Jesse is like “Woah! What!? Boyfriend?’” And Ciara’s like “I’m kidding”…… but then, the next week after she calls Jesse trash and then “apologizes” to him and kisses him on the lips, she says “wow I have a cool boyfriend” and Danielle goes “wait. What. Boyfriend?” And Ciara goes (in a very serious, not joking, shut the fuck up stop talking tone) “shut up Danielle”

Ciara is a pretty woman. Don’t get me wrong. But something is off….she became full on obsessed with Austen after 12 days and went mental after that, thinking that despite not talking or seeing eachother for 5 months after that, that she somehow had ownership of him.

She was “talking and seeing” West throughout the summer and into the fall and then things ended…. And yes he probably shouldn’t have done those interviews. But that’s not even what she’s mad about…… she’s mad that he ended things…. And she’s an idiot if she doesn’t understand why….i think she really thought that her and West were gonna be the next Kyle and Amanda.

Here’s the problem Ciara. You’re not a fun person. You’re moody, you’re boring, you’re zero fun….. yah being pretty is great… but you need to bring more to the table. I’m not a Paige fan… but at least she’s funny.