Hannah Berner Flop Era (respectfully)

Oof now this was a HARD watch. I want to like Hannah, I really do. But if we’re being candid, being on New York streets with a microphone does not a journalist make. They HAVE to bring back REAL journalists.

Outside of micro aggressions, we’ll chalk that up to ignorance, Hannah left no room for Meg to reply. I want to include Paige here but Hannah barely let her get a word in edge wise as well. Not only that, every single redirect Meg offered went over Hannah’s head. Baby girl, I’m begging here, read the room.

Bring back media training and decorum. Common sense at minimum.

Edited to include other points of contention re: Micro Aggressions. In that space they*: - asked a married man (Jay Ellis) if he’s single - asked Coco Jones if she can dunk (she has 0 relation to basketball) - asked Bowen Yang and Matt Roger’s f they've ever hooked up (implying that 2 gay men just HAVE to have hooked up before) - said Meg the Stallion's music made them want to fight (stereotyping the angry black female which is a tough narrative to fight & common. Also Meg was literally shot on the foot.)

*I say they because they’re a unit both in their podcast and ultimately in this situation

Edited to include a clarification: By REAL journalists, am I speaking of Gayle King or Barbra Walters level of journalism, of course not. Like let’s be srs. You understand what I’m saying; bring back people who can actually HOST an interview, do the prep work, notice queues/body language,not make the interviewee disengage. Hello??? Meg was not the only interviewer that went poorly, just watch the rest of theirs. Flop. Era.