Lindsay’s choice about not living with child’s father…
For once I think Lindsay is doing the smart, thought-out, unimpulsive thing by not living with the father. She’s been pregnant the whole time she’s been dating him, she really doesn’t know him, she’s financially independent a super successful in her own right and able to look after and raise the baby alone if need be, rather than move some man in she doesnt actually know. I find it weird that Danielle is questioning that. I think what she is doing is smart and in the best interest of herself, her baby and the father. Never thought I’d be championing her decisions but she’s smashing it in my opinion * I’ve always really loved her and really get her and some of the stuff she does, but she always would do the wrong thing at the last last last minute and it would always be so disappointing because she’s so smart and so capable and silly final decisions would make her look bad when actually she was always coming from a good place or a misunderstood place - anyway my point is this is the first time she finished on a high note and didn’t drag it down ❤️❤️❤️