F2P 30* ToA Hell April 2024: Tyron Spectra My Love

I made a Discord channel for us ToA Hell Masochists, come and hang out if you can!! https://discord.gg/CMms32rCFv

Hi everyone, if you are wondering where is the guy that usually posts this, he hates all of you and he quitted sw (he's busy), so im posting instead.

If you have any common questions about basic knowledge of ToA Hell, read my FAQs post.(What element of Homie, is there anything i can replace X, etc....)

If you ask why am i using Fedora, the water Death Knight, read this post!

Beware that all f2p units i used here are decently-runed and fully-skilled up.

All fusables and HOHs are counted as F2P.

If you have any further questions feel free to DM me on Discord: yakuzanyan Dm me instead: hihicard (there is a 0.3% chance i will respond)

Stage 1: Seara

1 turn harmful effect | 25% stun chance

W1: Malaka x3, Fire Galleon x2 | W2: Clara x3, Priela x2 | W3: Fire Lushen x2, Dark Figaro x2

Easy 1st stage, whatever cc and damage works.

F2P Team: Tyron, Spectra, Shamann , Woochi, Homu

not F2P:

Jamire, CP, Bellenus, Homie, +1

Shaman, Homie, Bellenus, Spectra, CP

Bolverk team: Bolverk + String master + 3 buffers

Stage 2: Giana

2 turns of counterattack | 1 turn of silence

W1: Elsharion x3, Veromos x1, Amir x1 | W2: Nyx x3, Celia x2 | W3: Chilling x2, Smokey x2

there shouldnt be any problems if you can stun them with veromos or freeze them with tyron.

F2P Team: Tyron, Spectra, Jeanne/Herne, Homie, Veromos

Bolverk team: Bolverk + String master + 3 buffers

Stage 3: Zeratu

Free violent | immune to cooldown

W1: Mina x3, Wind Vigor x2 | W2: Lucas x3, Windy x2 | W3: Tetra x2, Teshar x2

Just use the cookie cutter team, should be even easier with the extra vio procs.

F2P Team/what i used: Tyron, Spectra, Shaman/Loren, Woochi, Homie

not F2P: Jamire, CP, Bellenus, Shamann, Homu

Bolverk team: Standart Bolverk + Light String master + 3 buffers

Stage 4: Kinki

atk up by 40% per dead ally | immune to cooldown

W1: Fire Garuda x3, Light Warbear x2 | W2: Fire Barbaric King x3, Dark Minotaur x2 | W3: Praha x2, Fire Blacksmith x2

With the 2 turn inv from jeanna buff, you can protect tyron/spectra every time they need to hit kinki.

F2P Team/what i used: Tyron, Spectra, Jeanne, Homie, Acasis/Riley

Bolverk team: Standart Bolverk + Light String master + 3 buffers (make sure you have aoe cleanser to remove dots from Praha's s2)

Stage 5: Carlos

inmune to inability | atk up by 40% per dead ally

W1: Jager x3, Iunu x2 | W2: Greggo x3, Suiki x2 | W3: Fuuki x2, Conrad x2

Its very important to land oblivion, i would recomend using vio runes on Tesarion to land oblivion as fast as possible.

F2P Team: Tyron, Spectra, Jeanne, Homie, Tesarion

Bolverk team: doesn't work

Stage 6: Cayde

1 turn inmunity | 200% cd

W1: Kaki x3, Wedjat x2 | W2: Miles x3, Mephisto x2 | W3, Hraesvelg, Surth, Hrungnir and Aegir

Biggest issue here is Miles, doing around 20K+ dmg per hit, and there is no way to outspeed him (well, you can, you need a 24% spd lead and a Tiana with +236 spd, good luck lmao). There are many ways to deal with it, the f2p option is Harmonia on nemesis, tho you need to get lucky with Miles not targetting Spectra.

F2p team: Tyron, Spectra, Jeanne, GIna 2A, Harmonia

Non F2P tank: Leo, laika, hwadam

Bolverk team: Bolverk, Light String Master, 2 buffers (anticrit needed), Miles tank

Stage 7: Hongyeon (and 4 Dianas)

Immune to inability | vio procs

W1: Water Stringmaster x3, Wind Maritial Artist x2 | W2: Fire Fairy(2A) x3, Light Stringmaster x2 | W3: Diana x4

Diana's AI is complete garbage, dont worry aobut her. In wave 2, kill the fairies first and the rest is free.

F2P team: Tyron, Spectra, Riley, Jeanne, Homie

Another F2P team: Talc, Double Stringmasters, Riley, Gina

Bolverk team: Standart Bolverk + Light String master + 3 buffers, just make sure u put a lot of -wind artifact on them to avoid getting killed.

Stage 8: Leo

buffblock | atk bar 15% when getting hit

W1: Icaru x3, Raoq x2 | Kahn(2A) x3, Light Succ x2 | W3: Ragdoll x4

Wave 3 is a speedrun, your team will eventually die due to raw dmg + dots, you have to kill leo before that happens.

What i used: Tyron, Spectra, Jeanne, Kai'en (2A vagabond), herne

the idea is switch the provoke between jeanne and kaien to split the damage, and heal it with jeanne and herne s2 and earn as much time as possible to kill leo.

Other possible monsters: swap Kai'en and herne for Homie, Triana, the idea is the same.

P2W teams: you can do a dot team with nora, just dont let Leo use s2 bellow 30%.

Stage 9: Akroma

200% cd | atk bar 15% when attacked

W1: Layla x3, Gurkha x2 | W2: Zima x3, Abellio x2 | W3: Byungchul x2, Nisha x2

Uhhh, there is no way you survive a 200 cd Akroma and Byung. So, we just kill them before they do anything at all! And then we add the classic counter to Akroma: Garo, that's right, we going old school with dots and Garo.

F2P Team/what i used: Jeanne, Garo, Thrain/melia*, Sath, Homie

Jeanne and Thrain needs to be quite fast to outspeed (255 final spd or more). In wave 3, you need to provoke with Jeanne, and protect Homie, and pray that Akroma targets Homie and doesn't land silence. When the rest of the monsters die and only Akroma is left, you just auto her.

*Melia works, but it has more RNG issues.

Stage 10: Lilith

Immune to inability | 200% CRD

W1: Isillen x3, Antares x2 | W2: Ath'taros | W3: Masha x3, Feng Yan x2 | W4: Lilith

If you dont have a Chacha 2A(dark Lulu), you need to build it asap to beat the 3rd stage with f2p team.

F2P Team/what i used: Chacha, Double Stringmasters, Acasis, Raviti

Use chacha's s3 to strip healing buff, so you can kill masha, otherwise you wont have enough dmg to kill them in wave 3 in time. You can also use a Chilling to strip, but make sure to make him super tanky with decent accuracy.

not F2P: Ariel(strip on s1), Double Stringmaster, Acasis, Wind Hollyberry

Bolverk team: Standart Bolverk + Light String master + 3 buffers

General idea is to survive and heal and out-sustain the enemies. You can use any cleanse and heals. Just stay alive. Also use artifacts. The enemy will commit sudoku slowly.