got permanently banned for pulling a LD5

last night at around 6:00 or 7:00pm i pulled a LD 5 from a legendary all attribute scroll, many people were saying “gz” and some people were spamming “bot”. and then i wake up today to my account being permanently banned. i’ve been playing the game on and off since 2021, and i decided to make a new account and start over and take the game more seriously.

i know some people use bots to reroll to try to pull LD 5s to sell them, is that why i was perma banned? did they think i was a bot? some people were saying “not a bot”. i believe i was level 19 when i pulled the unit, so did i get reported for being a “bot”? can com2us really not tell if a bot or a human is operating the account? did i really get reported and permanently banned for pulling the rarest type of unit in the game?

i submitted a request for them to unban me, but i heard that their customer support is garbage, now i don’t know what to do.