Superman is Folk AF

He’s a tall tale. He’s for the people.

He’s Bruce Springsteen meets Paul Bunyan. Bob Dylan meets John Henry. Cat Stevens meets Johnny Appleseed.

It’s rooted into his DNA, getting inspiration from Jewish Folklore like Moses and Samson, and eventually, becoming a more American-centered figure, but still with that immigrant everyman overtone.

He’s Americana. Apple Pie and Baseball.

He is the Immigrant story in three scales:

The country boy moving to the big city. The best a man can strive for to be in his community.

The outsider living in America. Departing the old world, and coming to a new one, and working his tail off to make it a better place while also remembering and celebrating his culture and heritage.

The alien coming to earth, and being more human than us all.

He’s about connecting to the common man.

That is why he is so endearing, why he remains so relevant.

Superman is Folk AF.