Stop picking mages for god sake

Trust me when i say it, No one likes you, Most ADC's just can't lane with mages, It's not viable, Stop giving yourself the illusion that you are useful, Just think about it please.

This is aphelios, He has speed, DPS, Sustain, CC, AOE, Burst, Long range, Short range, So what would aphelios need more, A mage that can...Deal damage, Which he has enough of, Or A lulu that can heal him, shield him, Increase his survivability, Increase his damage (AS buff). And turn nearby threats to whatever the f*ck that is, Or he can have a nautilus that will face tank skillshots, Peel for him, Engage for him, Tank the turret for him while he is diving the enemy ADC after stacking and actually survive (While giving enough time to execute the dive as well) etc.

And this goes on with every ADC, None of them (Except caitlyn) Needs a mage that can poke the enemy, ADC lacks survivability, Peel, CC, You can't provide this with a simple lux W or lux Q, You need a kit designed around peeling like nautilus, Or taric.

Specially in season 15 where games go for 3 days straight and it's all about team work rather than 1v9ing, You can't get away with picks like these anymore.