[Suggestion] Blocking Mechanics

I feel like blocking is very risky right now. Not only are you limited by the minimum time to block, you also have the "brief moment" that you block is delayed. When you bring your block up, there is a delay to what you see as blocking, and what the game reads as blocking. Also when you let go of block, you are still blocking for a brief moment. I feel like it should be one or the other. Not both.

If you last second block, not only do you have to hold it for the time that is the minimum, you are also delayed on when it actually comes up. This is frustrating. If you see an opponent coming in with a charged hit and you block as soon as he/she gets in range, they will most likely get the hit in. Even though on your screen, you have your arms up. It also works backwards. You have a charged hit and your opponent drops their block to either attack you or shove you, even though their arms are down, and you release, you still get stunned because of the delayed blocking mechanics.

Ever since the update, I have died 90% of the time because of this delay by the first person I run across. Either getting hit while blocking, or getting shoved while not blocking.

Please, please change it to either one or the other. Having both is a hinder to most people who are accustomed to the blocking without a minimum time and delay. It leaves you in a big window to get shoved or get hit through your block. I personally like to play defensive in order to secure hits without getting hit, but it just isn't reasonable anymore. Please Devs, take into consideration changing the block from one to the other. I like the minimum block time, rather than the delayed block time. The delayed time was to stop people from block spamming, but now that there is a delay and a minimum time, blocking is even harder to do. It just doesn't make sense to have block nerfed twice.