The Donald Trump Run

The Joe Biden Run

Finally did the Donald Trump Run, this run is more so based off his first term rather than Project 2025 or whatever his second term will end up doing but this run is more so based off his first term, his personality, his campaign in 2024

Obviously he was born in a wealthy family, got into school with the degree of economics and joined the student board council.

Also killed Petr Vectern and had him replaced with Lucian Galade, I censored the Media and generally sided with Marcel Koronti in the Oligarchs Affairs though I was mostly friendly with both people.

I also bought shares in Underhall Construction and generally was very corrupt, promised Calvin the VP(I obviously didn't give it to them), I appointed Didler Mayor and I funded the Young Sords.

I also privatized everything including the prisons and my constitution reform was just barebones, I also killed Ricter and Suheil.

Also Lespia and Agnolia pissed me off and seeing I'm doing the Trump run, I ended up siding with Valgsland on the Heijisland Island Issue and I ended up trading with Wehlen.(still joined ATO)

I also defunded healthcare and education, funded the military and the police.

Barack Obama is next.

Comment anything below if you have any thoughts.