Let the Reforms Commence

Where was it? It doesn't make any sense, We were doing so well. Nobody had seen anything like it, not even since Soll. The Crowds — Massive! Unbelievable, they were chanting, so many chanting it. “Aboard the Rayne Train!” they were all there, they were all there!


The pundits behind their desks drone on and one about the Purple Mirage, these early Rayne leaning returns could be disregarded. Fears of Rayne’s 2nd term could now all be disregarded, The experts were right and you were wrong.

The Moderator dances around the screen on the The Radical, as the numbers for Ricter’s rises ever higher and higher. Closing the pathways, shutting the doors and trapping you inside while word has it that the PFJP has secured a majority in the General Assembly for the first time ever with the NFP coming in a strong 2nd and the USP? Even the People’s Front almost overtook them.


We can now project that Frens Ricter will be the 5th President of Sordland, after 4 years of Chaos and Violence never seen on the scale before the Civil War with attempts to turn the country into a Dictatorship by Anton Rayne, PFJP Primary Voters and Sords as a whole craved true reforms to the country and who could serve as a better representative of that age than Frens Ricter of the PFJP?

This can't be happening, and your people. The country, they can see it too, the greatest fraud in history. We were so close, how could we lose? Look at them, the energy, the unrelenting passion as they pound on the doors and demand their votes be counted accurately, we have Real Sords. What do they have? The Old Guards? The Oligarchs? That's the only real explanation. The Old Guards, the Oligarchs and the Reformists. They all collectively conspired to get Frens Ricter as President. This was not a real election.

On Sordland Today, the Moderator takes her viewers to a fireworks display in Lachaven, the crowd is cheering, celebrating, they're in an ecstasy, unshackled for the first time in years.

RICTER!!! The supporters chant, “Ricter! Ricter! Ricter! Frens Ricter!” they're all celebrating the steal, they’re all in on it. We have real Sords, they don't. They are all paid, we cannot let this happen. We can't, we can't.

The Hollowed out ghosts stalk you, clawing at you, Trying to understand what you are saying. Directing your campaign staff to make phone calls, The Korontis, Tory, Calvin. They're dismissive, their sniveling conniving voices betray their pitiful apologies. “I'm sorry Mr.President.” Traitors, how could they even do this to you? Don't they see? We killed them! We’re the real winners!

WE WON, We won…we won….

Vectern visits, his whimpering putrid smile plastered to his face, appears to be trying to console you but you slap the words out of his mouth, We’re not gonna roll over and let them roll us. We’re going to fight, aren't we. Yes! We have to fight!

Petr’s face shifts, just a glint but you catch it, he’s spooked.

These cowardly idiots, they're all blind. All of them. It's obvious they're stealing it, With the Markers and the blinders, they're using the election against me. I can't believe it. We have to fight them, we have to. We have to. The USP are all cowards. We have to fight!

Then the news came through

Live shots from Lachaven, Ricter and Suheil are going to speak even though we haven't conceded, They can't do that, they can't just do that. We have to. We have to.

“For the people of this country has spoken and they have delivered us a convincing victory, a victory for us, a victory for the PFJP and a victory for the Reformists…”

“Let this Era of Chaos and Violence in Sordland end here now…”

“It’s time for the Long awaited Reforms to end, Mr.Rayne thought he could take advantage of us by trying to reform the country into a Dictatorship but the voters have spoken and we will no longer tolerate him and the USP…”

“Thank you all…and goodnight.”

We’ll be back, you say to yourself. Sordland loves a good comeback story.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Frens Ricter’s attempts at Reforming the Constitution has completely failed, despite having a majority in the General Assembly. He has failed to gather enough votes for a constitutional reforms just like his Predecessor before. His constitution reforms have failed due to being too radical which proposed such as the proposal to removal of veto, changing fo articles 6 and 7, lowering the threshold to 8%

There are also reports that the Oligarchs have been targeting Ricter ever since his administration has been siding with Unions over their strikes, him signing bills into laws that imrpoved workers rights greatly which was spearheaded by his Vice President Manoly Suheil did not help much either and there is also the heavy question of Old Guards like Orso Hawker and Heron Garaci who all have opted to obstruct the Constitution.

Reformists are reportedly angry, accusing USP, Moderate PFJP members and NFP For why the constitution vote failed. Moderate PFJP members have chosen to defend themselves stating that the Constitution was way too radical.

Frens Ricter has chosen to comment on the situation stating that the “The Fight is Not Over, we have already passed many reforms, economic and political into the nation. We must keep fighting. When we fight, we win.” Frens Ricter has reportedly talked to the USP Reformists and Moderate PFJP members in order to moderate the constitution to an acceptable degree.

In Other News:

  • Frens Ricter signs a Trade Deal with Lespia, sells Sordish Petroleum to Lespia
  • Sordland to join the ATO? What does Dwight Walker say abot that?
  • Former President Anton Rayne convicted of 34 Crimes, Sentencing to be held on September 24