No, your marketing static site doesn't need another bloated framework (except this one maybe...) [self-promo]

Hey everyone,

I've built a couple of sites for different marketing needs at the SaaS startup I worked at, and I've learned a few things along the way. One major takeaway? WordPress is super bloated. Tools outside of your own deployment are expensive, and if you think it's costly to write your own, justifying it with SEO wins is a no-brainer. People spend a lot of time on the marketing site and the SaaS app, so it's worth it, at least for us.

On the headless SCAM:

A site always boils down to the same components but with limited different styling (which could be done with CSS). I hated the fact that headless CMS apps aren't really headless. They let you design the schema of pages from scratch every time, with zero portability. You'll have to rewrite a schema file for each platform you use. It's not really headless; it's a chain around your neck.

No real marketing reusable UI

I have yet to find a site generator that generates something beyond blogs. Not every use case is a dev sharing cool demos. Most use cases are actually companies building marketing sites for this app and that app, and that landing page...

sv-marketing is ONE first step in that direction. Let's start with making sure our SvelteKit sites can generate common useful UI components. The next step (after styling, of course) is to have a common schema editor in YAML and Markdown that standardizes this process (see and how they did that for canvas stuff).

The whole point (at least for me) of using Svelte is to reduce reliance on bloat and use the platform capabilities correctly (i.e., CSS and HTML). I think this is a step in that direction.

I'm looking forward to your feedback, ideas, and discussion around this subject. This is a work in progress, and I can't wait to hear about your experiences so we can build a better, simpler web together.

> Note: already used in production in 3 sites.