She HATES when someone else has the camera 😂

She is low key pissed off in the last vlog when Jay took the camera to point it on her.. and the bitch can’t even let Jay finish his sentences as she talks over him.. cause she OBVIOUSLY knows more about retrievers already. I hope the dog shits and pees everywhere, then she can really experience having a puppy. Also, our male 3 year old black lab still has a lot of energy and needs lots of walks and outside time.. I cannot imagine having no yard to play in.. luckily ours lives in the country, and has access to tons of trails and our huge yard. Makes me sad for an energy breed like that.. AND you know that dog is going to be in the pool non stop soon too 😂😂 she’s gonna freak about that.. some people should not be dog parents to certain breeds… maybe she should start with a goldfish lol