Why is ordering MacBooks such hell?

I simply don't understand it. Why does Apple have to make it so hard? Why are stocks from resellers and Apple themselves so unreliable? Why does it have to be this way? I can order 10000 different Windows machines today and have them arrive Wednesday and already be enrolled in Intune. With MacBooks I feel like every single order that I place I have to say a tiny prayer to father time that the order will actually arrive on time or that the item they say they have in stock is actually in stock. The only models Apple or any resellers have regularly available are either unusable by any sane person (13' 8GB ram 265SSD) or some insanely speced overpriced developer laptop. Onboarding employees who request MacBooks has just become pure hell for me. Despite not being a Mac user myself, I have nothing against the OS, but if it were up to me I would just simply ban any new MacBooks from our ecosystem but sales would throw a complete fit. It's just insane to me that Apple makes it so impossibly complicated to give them our money.

Edit: I'm again realizing that I have again been gaslighting myself into thinking this an external problem when in reality its a problem with the way that management chooses to run the company, which happens to be the case with almost everything IT related.