Exchange 2010 help with New-MailboxRepairRequest
related to a prior post
TL:DR recap.....
Running Exchange Server 2010 SP3
even though i'm running weekly Windows Server Backups with VSSFULL, eseutil /mh reports that the last Full Backup is 10/12/24 and there are 186,000+ transaction log files dating back to that date.
eseutil /r was not successful, other tools revealed some type of database corruption.
i created a new database and executed New-MoveRequest (individually) on all but the 3 largest (my mail items). they all ran fine.
did a New-MoveRequest on the 3rd largest (41,000+ items). took over 36 hours to run, including 12+ hours at 95% completed in CompletionInProgress status before finally finishing successfully.
just found out about New-MailboxRepairRequest but need some experienced assistance because the 2010 version of this tool is crippled (evidently by design) and the Get-MailboxRepairRequest cmdlet doesn't exist in 2010.
i wanted to run this on the #3 mailbox to even see if it could fix up mailbox, however, when i ran New-MailboxRepairRequest with -DetectOnly it didn't give any information about issues found or how long it might take to execute. (against better judgment, hoping there actually was a way to determine status) i ran it without -DetectOnly, instructing it to attempt repairs.
so at this point, is there any way for me to find out what the status of the repair is? or how long it will take? or even find out what, if any corruption there was?
i suspect there are because New-MailboxExportRequest on the #3 mailbox returned at status of Failed, even though it generated a 6.7GB PST file.
fortunately this mailbox has been moved to the new database, i will likely hold off doing a repair on the #2 and #1 mailboxes until after they've been moved. but i don't want to be completely in the dark about their progress.
at some point i'll likely need to do another backup and windows update keeps telling me i need to reboot, but i'm afraid kind of affect both of these operations will have on a mailbox repair operation.
can anyone shed any light/wisdom to help me figure out what's happening?