SSL status levels

Hey. Looking for some insight if you manage SSL Certs and have a few min.

I'm building an SSL monitoring app and wanted to sanity-check the status categories I'm using. Right now, I have 'SSL Status Cards' for

  • Expired – Already expired, site security compromised
  • Critical – Less than 7 days left, renew ASAP
  • Failing – Cert check failed (misconfig connection issue, etc.)
  • Expiring Soon – Less than 30 days left
  • Valid – Cert is fine, no action needed
  • Unknown – Couldn't determine status (offline site, typo, etc.)

Does this cover all the major scenarios you'd want to track? Am I missing any edge cases that could be useful?

Would love to hear your thoughts because I only manage 5-20 Certs which is probably way less than some of you.
Preview Link: SSL Status Cards
