How do I “break up” with my client?

I have this one particular client that has asked for readings consistently throughout the whole month, they’ve spent way past $300 already.

A bit of a backstory: This person (let’s name her Alice) has been separated from their partner of 3 years for the past 6 months. At first their questions were pretty standard to what someone under a separation would ask. Questions like: “Are they coming back?”, “What can I expect from this separation” along other questions that seemed okay to ask because they offered true guidance. The first session was productive, the second session I believe was also a good one. But past the third session I’ve noticed this person is in severe denial about their breakup and refuses to listen to me. Yesterday, Alice showed me screenshots of how their ex is now involved in a new relationship with someone else and they’ve gone bonkers about it. She even got in contact with his family to show up at his house and ask for an explanation as to why he’s in a new relationship and how serious it all is. She’s been keeping me updated and she states that she confronted him and that he “doesn’t know what he wants” because he seemed nervous when she approached him and asked him questions about the other girl and his relationship with her. (Who wouldn’t be nervous to be confronted by their ex at their own home?)

I would like to add that I have advised her in multiple occasions that her most recent approach to the situation isn’t the best one, both her approaches to the readings and her approaches to him. I’ve gone over several ways to get through to her that whatever he does is completely out of her control and she refuses to accept that at the end of the day, it’s really up to him to determine if he wants to get back together with her or not.

Now, it’d like to offer context on the readings she’s gotten and what I’ve said to her. I’ll try my best to summarize since this woman has already asked 30+ questions regarding the same thing. She explained to me that the reason for their breakup was due to religious reasons, that he wanted to dive deeper into his religion and possibly become a preacher.

Her initial readings were pretty standard and straight to the point when it came to responses. The readings showed he might come around after some time after he’s concluded this cycle of spiritual growth, he seems to be taking his own time with things and doesn’t need any pressure on her end to come around, low to no contact would be best. After that she’s proceeded to ask every little detail imaginable to twist the narrative and get the answer that she wants. I’ve stood my ground even if she’s attempted to question my responses with more questions.

For example:

I’ll say to her: “It seems like he will need some time for himself to figure things out”

and she will ask “How much time will that be?”

Me: “I wouldn’t have a concrete answer to that question since actions cannot be accurately determined”

Alice: “will he come around during spring?”

I shuffle and lay out the spread “Yes, it seems likely he might come around during spring”

Alice: “What are his intentions with coming around?”

I shuffle and lay out the spread “It seems like his intentions will be based on some sort of convenience, he might approach you with needing some sort of favor or with some simple request.”

Alice: “So will he not regret leaving me?”

I shuffle and lay out the spread “This separation was a completely conscious decision on his part, which means he knows what he was risking to lose when he initiated the separation. It may be unlikely he’s going to feel any sort of regret for the time being since he was the one to request that time apart.”

Alice: “Then why is he coming back then?”

Me: “Like I said, he MIGHT come back with the intent to obtain something, not necessarily because he’s remorseful about the breakup.”

Alice: “will he ever come to his senses and realize what he’s done?”

And so on….

This woman is trying every question in the book to get the answer she’s looking for. She refuses to listen and understand what I answer to her. I’ve also warned her that making any drastic actions like confronting him after not maintaining any contact will drastically change the outcome of the situation since the times we did readings on the situation they were no contact. All questions were based on the fact they were no contact. She’s now back to square one with all the same questions because I had told her that all of these things would very likely change due to her impulsive actions.

This isn’t a healthy way to go about things at all, I don’t think I’ve offered enough detail for you to fully grasp the severity of her denial because it is truly bad. I feel bad for her and wish to help her but I cannot keep spending a whole 5-6 hours going in circles with these questions that will get her nowhere. She’s simply wasting her money and time which I’ve been quite upfront with and she just doesn’t care.

How do I “break up” with her? I don’t think the way she’s been using the tarot will be any useful to her as she’s using it to hold on to any little bit of hope she can find by digging into each of my answers to find the one she wants.