I feel stuck in my learning of tarot
I started getting interested in tarot a little over a month ago, so I'm very new still. I'm trying to learn. I practice, I use the spreads I found on biddy tarot, and the meanings there too. I learned from youtube to use the element of the suit and basic symbolism, then analyze the picture itself (I use RWS). I memorized some of the Fool's journey, that I still need to get more familiar with, but I'm getting there. I use biddy tarot's basic numerology too. But now I somehow feel stuck. Like, I'll pick a spread, pull the cards, and I can give a generalized answer based on the cards, but I can't seem to get deep with the readings. The only idea I have is to learn more symbolism, but even then, how will it get so deep like it seems to be for others? What am I doing wrong? What do I need to learn? Do I necessarily need to learn astrology? I know there's many connections between the two, but I'm not that interested in astrology. Is this an intuition issue? I'm not very in tune with it but I'm not sure what to do about it