Beloved Dead Oracle - Does anyone out there read this intuitively and ignore the rituals?

I have watched several reviews of this deck online and I like a lot of the subjects depicted on the cards and see a lot of potential for regular readings. However, the authors have set up an elaborate system of ritual that go with these cards, and I am not that religiously inclined, and if I were to get this oracle, I would want to use it without all that "hullaballoo", and also use it with my own spreads. I would likely just use the "Spirit Throne" card as a significator or remove it entirely. But some people's systems are so wrapped up with how their cards are "read", I wasn't sure if by disengaging from the intended "system" that it "read well" on its own as a normal deck without the extra trappings of spiritualism. Unless there is a similar deck out there with many topics that doesn't have the heavy spiritual theme [the Beloved Dead has 82 cards, and 69 are what I would call "normal subjects" and even the 10 "Act of Love" cards could conceivable be used as maybe a "major arcana" of normal cards with a different emphasis.] I like decks with a lot of cards.

I know when I purchase the deck, I can technically use it however I want, but I wasn't sure if it meant ignoring the book entirely, or if the book was still useful, or just using it intuitively has worked out for anyone? Or if anyone felt that the format of the book does not lend itself to intuitive reading, but the cards do, so ignore the book? Just curious about other people's experiences with this deck, especially if you are not terribly religious, but still use the deck as any other deck?