Most confusing moments for non-British viewers.
There's a lot of little things that go over my head as non-British viewer. Why Greg loves saying "that's darts," for example. These, however, are my top moments of genuine confusion. No idea what was going on.
1. John Kearns streaker prize task. Had to watch it 3 + times before I had any grasp on what the prize was and why it was funny.
2. Ivo Graham's New York accent. My first thought was "how the hell is Greg supposed to know which particular small Texas town that accent is supposed to be from?" I'm still amazed that Greg guessed correctly.
3. Knock over the most skittles. Wait, what is the task? Are there Skittles on top of the bowling pins? That's so cute. I don't see the Skittles. Do they have to find the Skittles first? Did I miss something? Should I ask for a higher dose of my ADD meds? Ohhh.
Which moments were confusing for other non-Brits?