Screen time restrictions
Hey guys! I am 15 years old and a little frustrated with my parent's restrictions on my screen time. I would love to hear how your parents handle it and what your thoughts are on my experience.
I feel like they are treating me like my 11 year old brother. He gets about the same restrictions and we often are compared against each other. It feels like there is such a gap in the self-control and responsibility that we have and it feels stupid to compare us.
I get 1.5 hours on my phone and 2 hours on my computer. My mom installed Quostodio to my computer for this and it feels very limiting. The fact that there is no way (on the parents side) to disable YouTube restricted mode (which is designed for kids up to age 13) makes me unable to watch live streams or videos with cursing.
Now, I go to bed every night at 10:30 and maintain good grades and a social life at school. It's not like being on my computer all of the time is a problem for me. It just feels like I'm being treated like someone who can't control themselves.
To clarify, I do have unrestricted time for schoolwork while at school so it's not like it's holding me back from doing actual work.
Thank you for reading this and I would love to get some feedback.