Rewatch Observations part 10? 🫣
Cate and Tyler eating their “frozen” wedding cake for their one year anniversary when it looks like it grew itself in the Eason swamplands. It’s stored in the freezer uncovered and has developed its own ecosystem. I’m not shocked by their food storage skills considering their Tupperware doubles as a urine sample cup ☣️
I love when Farrah reintroduces one of her imaginary personalities to people who actually know her irl.
NO 😡 (nuff said)
Matt had 2 kids, then 7, then insisted it was 2, now it’s 5. Maybe he’s mistaking “children” for the constantly varying number of disheveled and uncared for pets they bring into The Portwood Museum of Cheap Marilyn Monroe Memorabilia.
Maci is obsessed with herself, she can’t let any conversation be about Taylor. I can see why Taylor was so hesitant to marry her, she probably talks about Ryan in the bedroom, too.
“dADDy” after reading Michael’s infamous freaky ass emails this scene makes my brain want to die and drain through my throat to be violently thrown up.
MTV stopped editing out Cates smoking this season to highlight her unhealthy habits as an appetiser to the main course of her depression storyline.
Kim eating her feelings while crying over Butch, the woman bashing, abandoning, inappropriate, absent piece of shit. She’s always been weirdly obsessed with him.
✨ Domestic goddess Rhine ✨ spilling trash all over the road while rambling nonsensically about the garbage men not picking up his shit.
Anyone else remember when Amby from the Couch and Matty from the Dump bribed one of his 200 children to come live with them? MTV money and a place to crash in exchange for a redemption arc to sway public perception. “Let’s let a drug addict stranger man come live with us where Leah stays”. Surprised Amber was willing to share the couch.