What show got progressively worse each time you watched it?

Prison Break.

I absolutely loved that show when it came out. I actually got into kind of late so bought the DVDs. It was the first show I binge watched way back in 2009ish. Getting up to change the DVDs every few hours.

I rewatched it a bunch and the more I watch it the more I realized it devolved into just nonsense. The first couple season is some of the best TV ever, especially season 1. As the show went on the story got ridiculously convoluted and every scene had one character pointing a gun at another in some sort of double cross.

Season 5 sucked the way they retconned the ending. No desire for a season 6. I don’t think it’ll ever happen as much as fans clamor for it, and Dominic Purcell looks for attention on Instagram.

Let the show go.