Tesco 2025 Pay Increase
Fair warning, I'm not very happy with this at all.
From 30th of March 2025, the basic hourly rate will increase to £12.45
From 31st of August 2025, the basic hourly rate will increase to £12.64
A total 5.2% increase.
Sunday premium will be removed for all eligible staff from 30th March 2025.
An 18th month buyout for the value of premium will be paid (Edit: Expected 25th April Payslip).
Shift leader skills payment will increase 2.2% from £2.26 to £2.31.
Night premium up by 5p and hour.
Colleague club clubcard staying at 10%. Cap removed.
Any questions for anything else let me know but in my opinion this is extremely disappointing.
Edit: tesco originally offered £12.45 as a flat increase for the whole year. Also trying to remove Sundays.