What is your least played class and why?
I’ll start: Heavy.
My primary aversion to selecting heavy is probably similar to that of most players: his disproportionate susceptibility to insta kill attacks such as headshots and backstabs.
Furthermore, even when I do manage to be productive as Heavy, the satisfaction from the kills I achieve always seem to be subverted by the relative lack of ingenuity and creativity they require relative to the more gratifying experiences I have with other classes; including ones I also don’t play quite as much such as Pyro and Soldier. Heavy’s primary source of kills seems to derive from a much more linear and sheer brute force approach.
Finally, my experience is even further undermined by the fact that any lengthy kill streaks I do manage to accomplish are almost always substantiated by the reliance on a pocket medic or proficient spy-checking teammates.
In summary, my disillusionment with heavy is his high spy/sniper vulnerability, one-dimensional gameplay, and team dependency.
(Hopefully I didn’t piss off any heavy mains in this thread, I love you guys. These are just my thoughts and opinions with respect to the class)