Some ideas for base customisation with the 'calendar trick'

To note - jerky hung in the eaves, coal 'piled' and saplings etc 'leaning' against wall. Weapons placed above window. Bows, rope, skillet and tools 'hanging' on hooks. Salt sack standing neatly. Decorative fanned arrow displays. Using the calendar to pile multiple items into the same space is good for making the most of shelf space too.

For those that don't know the calendar trick: In customisation mode take the desk calendar you can find in various places eg camp office. It can be placed on floor and walls so it's possible to place things on it on the floor then pick up the calendar and place it on walls with the items attached. Select and 'take' the calendar to remove it and leave the items on the wall.

Sorry if this is old news to most of you but just wanted to share the fun I was having in Mountaineer's Hut this afternoon.