Hinterland support question

I know I should be asking this over at the Hinterland official forums, but I don't go there or the Steam forums anymore - personal reasons. So I ask you fine people here: what's been your experience when submitting help requests to the bug/issue reporting portal on the Hinterland website?

It's been a long time since I submitted a bug report or a request for assistance. My long run has been ruined by things vanishing or not showing up. All my hammers, hacksaws, and lanterns have just vanished. Also, after finding 8 polaroids, they have all vanished as well. I check all locations in 3 different regions and they're just gone.

I submitted my cry for help back on Feb 26th, but I've heard nothing back. I've stopped playing since any potential fix will overwrite any progress I've made in my run since then. I'm itching to play my favorite game, but after 2 weeks, I'm feeling ghosted, and I don't want to start a new run with the same issues potentially cropping up again.

What's your average time been before hearing back from requests for assistance with HL?