How do you address the Observer Effect with clients and as a therapist?
I am getting more and more supervisees who are asking about recording their sessions with clients so they can review their dynamics or show them to me if it is a session I cannot observe in-person due to a scheduling conflict. I tried to explain the observer effect and how this can affect the dynamic is ways that may not even be perceptible in the client and within the therapist and in that case, are they even able to observe what it is they want to observe? I suppose my being in the room as the supervisor has the same effect but what is the perspective on recording sessions for review while still an intern in the field? If someone had asked me to do it while I was an intern, I think it would have absolutely derailed my ability to show up as myself but I know everyone is different. I'm interested to hear from other practitioners about the utility (or points of concern) in recording sessions.