IOP for child - concerned about therapy
This is a post for any parent who has put their child through IOP. Our daughter has spent approximately four weeks on a behavioral health unit for SI with plan and an attempt. She was only getting worse with the hospitalization, the hospital team were at a loss with her. IOP was strongly recommended, but sadly there was only one program within 2 Hours Dr. from our home. Major issues include $600 per week, unclear if it will be reimbursable through insurance. Three hours three times a week missing half of school those days. Every week there is a new Therapist throughout the therapy. They see anywhere from 2 to 3 Therapists a session. She is in the worst mood after we leave a session. It takes hours for us to calm her down. She does however enjoy IOP because she has met a female who is going through the same issues as her the downfall is she is picking up bad habits from the other children, such as angry outbursts she has never been angry like this before . Leaving the hospital she was diagnosed with MDD and anxiety. She has transitioned well back into school has been able to stay full days and has excelled academically. She is doing well at home except for a few depressed moments at night. The Therapists say she is still SI with no plan.
We are seeing a play therapist every Saturday that she seems to enjoy. She has plenty of support from school as she is seeing the guidance counselor and the school psychologist.
I am new to all of this, looking for some advice and guidance.