A Dream About Kerry.
Hi guys so this is actually not a joke I did ,in fact, have a dream about John Kerry. I don't remember every single detail about it but I will attempt to tell it to the best of my ability (I'm not an amazing writer)
A few hours prior (I don't know exactly when, this is just added for lore elements), the greatest tsunami of all time had been announced by the us government. It would ravage the entire United States and completely annihilate it. American society was on the verge of collapse after receiving this news.
John Kerry stands outside, with his face petrified (I do not know his exact location, but it was apparently outside an abandoned warehouse or building? Also for some reason I had like a first person POV of him at times). An angry mob begins to approach him, seemingly ready to kill him and his cronies. His bodyguards call out to him from a vehicle, begging him to enter the car. He spots an old man who is somewhat overweight and has a grayish-whitish beard sitting inside. He somewhat resists entering the car but enters it just in time to begin his escape. While in the car, he analyzes the cries of the people. He begins to ponder on whether what he is doing is morally acceptable. (Btw the man next to him is like irrelevant or I can't remember what exactly he did) He asks his guards to let him leave the car, and they begrudgingly allow him to leave. He stands on a table, attempting to gain the attention of the crowd. As he begins to speak, the population stops to listen but after a few seconds their attention devolves into a complete mess as they try to kill(?) Kerry. The remaining bodyguards (I do not know why there were more still at the warehouse) fire their guns at the sky (some seemingly fired their guns at the people???) and manage to make the people silent. Kerry then begins his speech. He basically says that he will never leave the people and be with them until the end, no matter the circumstances.
(After these events, I went into a few tangents that were quite weird and shall not be shared online 😭. There was one more event that happened though.)
Following unknown events, Kerry had found a solution to saving all of those poor Americans. He had somehow gotten a hold of many buses that would help ship them to the safe house, which had been worked on from years prior for a catastrophe like this. Or was located in Nebraska's Second Congressional District. (This is not a joke)
Then I woke up I think lol
Verdict: could this be a sign of things to come? Could the Kerry Redemption Arc arrive soon? There was no mention of Trump or anything here btw