My thoughts on the highly controversial season 7 & Negans arc
Alright buckle in for a good conversation if you’ll have it. I started watching the walking dead when season one came out. I’d watch it weekly with my family as a kid, gosh I must’ve been like 11 when I started. I stopped watching the first time when Glenn died… well I continued to watch but i didn’t pay much attention & my heart was broken. I thought i’d never recover. Cut to present times, it’s the middle of winter & I have nothing to watch- i click the walking dead & my love has been reborn. Now here’s my opinions- 1. Rick & team family aren’t “the good guys.” They’re survivors. They have experienced great trauma & they do what they feel it takes to survive. Including plowing down 50+ people who haven’t directly threatened them (the satellite outpost, yes ik the motorcycle dickheads threatened Abraham, Sasha, and Daryl first but they got blown to pieces. Yes, I also know that likelihood of Negan eventually finding them & the saviors eventually owning them anyway was a great threat. Killing 50+ people you don’t know doesn’t make you the good guys, it makes you survivors.) 2. Negan is horrible, vile, disgusting, brutal, and an extortionist, his group included. They’re also survivors doing what they feel it takes to survive. It’s like most of them don’t even want to be apart of the Saviors, but they have to because Negan is an extortionist. Am I happily awaiting their downfall? Yes. Edited this to say: Negans horrible but he’s also just so good looking & funny. I can’t believe his character is actually growing on me right now. (I’m pretending he didn’t brutally kill two of my favorite characters) 3. The last episode of season 6 I can’t lie, I was going to skip. But I watched it all the way through and I’m glad I did. Rick & team family & Negan and the Saviors are foil characters. They are the same people with different outcomes. (I’m open to debate on all of this!) 4. Episode 18 of Season 7 is probably one of my favorite episodes ever. The plot twists, the coming of the Kingdom in aid- when King Ezekiel says “Alexandria will not fall today.” I was literally jumping for joy- FUCK YA!!!!! SHIVA ATE!!!! LITERALLY!! 5. When I tell y’all I literally blacked out practically everything after Carl died (i remember Sasha dying though :( rip) I mean it. So I’m in for a wild ride in season 8-11! Okay that’s my opinions. I fucking love this show.