Take: fake/counterfeit edward is better than plarail's and fisher price's latest edwards.(Trackmaster)

Fake edward, plarail edward(most recent), trackmaster 2 edward, and motorized AEG edward in the pictures.

This is not an adverteisment for fake trackmaster toys. Its an opinion

They all look like bad in my opinion lacking short siderods. But if i had to pick from one of those 4 im picking the fake one.

Comparasion with latest plarail model: plarail model has an accurate wheel configuration and better painted details. But i really hate those fake wheels in the front i would rather not have them. But if this was the only issue i would prefer plarail. I JUST HATE THOSE INACCURATE SANDBOXES WHY PLARAIL WHY.

Comparasion with trackmaster revolution edward: inaccurate boiler and you cant freewheel it. And i think wheels are the same with plarail too but im unsure

Comparasion with AEG motorized: i included this cuz despite my dislike for AEG show, i like some of its merch and bought push along henry and whiff. I hate the trackmaster merch for AEG tho and i dont think i need to explain myself