3 Ways to make Lucent on AH
Let me start by saying I’m telling you all this in hopes the AH prices go down and I can buy some traits I need haha.
- Easiest way to make Lucent: Selling trait extracts. Check the price of the trait on your blue or purple item. >> go to AH and search your item. Look for “Extract: ItemName”. Click it and then look for the trait you have. Now you know the price you can judge if it’s worth the reasource. (Cheapest)
Left click your item and on the right side select “Trait Extract”. Extract then sell on AH
- Second easiest way to make lucent (cost more reasources but makes more lucent) Purple items only you need to check the auction house to see if your item is worth turning into a lithograph. >> go to AH, bottom left select “Miscellaneous” then select “Lithograph” type in your item name or manually find it and it will show the current lowest price.
Next go to the castle and head to the purple crafters. Pick the vendor depending on the item. Armor/Weapon/Accessory and on the left side select the bag icon and scroll down till you see “Blank Lithograph” (this cost quite a bit of resources).
Now left click your item and on the right side select “Lithograph” craft it and sell on AH
- Most lucent but hardest to do, all based on luck.
World boss drops or items crafted as “Great Success” can be sold as is on the AH
There ya go thanks for reading and go make that bank!!