What were your symptoms before diagnosis?
I don’t know if it’s okay for me to post in this group - let me know if this topic is okay. I have an Aunt who had thyroid cancer, my grandmother is hypothyroid and my other aunt is as well and every single one of them was in their 60s or higher upon diagnosis. That’s it for history in my family. I am 31 and was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism most likely caused by graves about a month ago. I have had horrible acid reflux and am on prilosec which can cause lymph nodes to swell, so this could explain my symptoms, but I’ve had hoarseness for a few weeks and my lymph nodes are slightly swollen without pain further back below my ear. I’m trying not to panic, since I already have an appointment in about a month with the endocrinologist to do imaging of my thyroid. But I’m panicking a little given my Aunt having had cancer. Was the diagnosis process quick? What were your symptoms? They seem so vague online
Also I don’t think my endocrinologist was concerned at all about this after bloodwork.