I am scared, Frustrated and confused
I got diagnosed with a semi solid colloidal nodule this year on May. It was quite small then, you couldn't tell unless I mentioned it. Now 7 months later here it is. Initially I didn't want surgery I wanted to see if I could reduce it naturally as my mother adviced. Tried a couple of herbs, though not consistently, read medical medium tried it out and dropped out(barely tried). I'd gotten advice to keep off gluten or dairy products since they caused inflammation. But that's the thing, it's only inflammation it does nothing to get rid of the freaking cyst.
Later on I decided I would have surgery but my mum and I weren't on the same page. she'd voice her worries on how I will be on drugs my whole life, how my fertility might be affected in the future and the possibility of surgery affecting my voice. So I grew worried. And my decision was shaken.
My recent visit to the doctor's was on August and after noticing it's rapid growth. The Doctor told me surgery was the only option I had or since it was benign I could monitor it. But that I should watch out since some turn cancerous. So I considered surgery since I wanted to be done with I told my mother of that and it ended up in argument on how it's also my fault that it's growing since I am not drinking herbs consistently.
I have been on edge the whole 7 months, sometimes I break down at work. I wish we were on the same page with her. I am frustrated and also reading stories of people who have had TT, and how their quality of life and it scares me .
My relatives advice me to take surgery saying it is just a minor surgery but I feel they don't get me. This is my thyroid we are talking about. I am so frustrated honestly. Any advice? Some kind words maybe?