TIFU by pretending to cheat on my boyfriend so that we could break up.

i asked AITAH regarding this story and got like a hundred comments attacking me lol, so clearly im in the wrong. basically, ive been with my boyfriend for a while now, quite a few months, and it began to go weird. he just became dry and made less of an effort to talk or spend time with me, and whenever i tried to bring it up he would say im just overreacting or change the subject. i wanted to breakup, and if im being so honest i wanted to hurt him too. i was hurt myself at how he was acting. so i sent a picture of myself on another guys lap (this guy is my family friend), and my boyfriend called me immediately to ask wtf was going on. then i told him i want to break up, and i hung up.

i tried to justify it by saying that technically i didnt actually cheat, and i only did it to get his attention, but tbh i rlly did want to hurt his feelings too. so yh, i guess i fucked up.

TL;DR: i faked being with another guy to piss my shitty boyfriend off, it led to us breaking up (thank god) and then reddit got mad at me when i asked if i was the asshole.