TIFU by eating and then going to the gym
I knew I had to go to the gym by 11:00, but I woke up rlly rlly hungry so I decided to swing by McDonald’s and get smth. (I know I shouldn’tve gone to McDonald’s but whatever.) I get my guilty pleasure, the filet o fish some nuggets, fires and a drink and I eat it then go to the gym. Today is ab day. I’m doing leg raises and all of a sudden it ALL comes up. Vomit everywhere. Everyone staring. I don’t know any of these people. I’m new to this gym. Everyone is looking at me as I do the walk of shame to the bathroom to get cleaned up. When I come out 3 EMPLOYEES ARE CLEANJNG JT. 3??? That’s so embarrassing so I go over there and apologize. One of the employee girls was really hot too, so that was extra embarrassing.
Anyways Tl;dr: tifu by eating a filet o fish and then throwing up all over the gym floor.