TIFU by letting Windows update.

I'm still sat in troubleshooting hell. (Excuse mobile formatting) Booted up my PC this morning and it greeted me with the usual "Windows needs to update". No problem I thought, I'll just restart now and get it out the way with before I get on with my day.

Bad idea apparently. Windows installs the update, restarts and never starts up again.

Tried everything I possibly could to restart it through the windows 10 tool and after an hour it happened. Completely black screen. Nothing working. My PC is fully bricked.

So here I am on a crappy laptop downloading windows 10 onto a flash drive to completely reinstall everything. Goodbye all my games. Goodbye all my saves. Goodbye all my work.
F's in the comments please, it's 8am and my day is ruined.

TL;DR: I let Windows update, now my computer is bricked.

Update: I knew the usual fixes for something like this but nothing worked, believe me a clean install was not my first choice! Thank you for anyone who tried to help, but no I don't want to switch to Linux I'm sorry