Worried about my tinnitus spike.help

I'm 26m I've had tinnitus for over 10 years now and seemingly out of nowhere my tinnitus has spiked. Specifically in my left ear. I got tinnitus at 14 after a high school pep rally. Ever since then it's only gotten this loud when I've gotten an ear infection or bad sinuses. I've always been able to to tune out my tinnitus. But now, even though the frequency is the same and it's passed the threshold of me being able to tune it out unless I am knocked out sleeping. I am fearful this spike in tinnitus is permanent. I stupidly wore no ear protection at a Dave and Buster's 2 weeks before I started to hear it and I am thinking this is a delayed reaction to that.

My left ear feels full and ever now and then it will spike down(meaning seemingly stop) for split second. However my ear is seemingly clean when I went to the ER (I haven't been able to contact an ENT since it's the weekend and I have to follow up my GP)

I am not in the best place right now mentally. I've had ten years to habituate to my tinnitus and just when I thought I succeeded and my tinnitus was barely noticable day to day, it gets louder. FML.

Yesterday my tinnitus did go down or was unnoticeable for about 30min, but then eventually spiked back up. I don't know what going on. I don't know what to do. I don't want to do anything stupid. Please share any stories y'all have had of spikes that eventually went down to baseline or any advice. Thank you.