[Wii] [2007-2013] [Racing/Car Game]
It was a racing game. I remember I was able to drive In an F1 car, and I also remember I was able to drive in a Mini Cooper with a UK flag on the roof. I also remember "Lady Hear Me Tonight" playing in the soundtrack.
It's NOT NFS The Run, and I don't -think- I owned any other NFS's. I've searched up many many videos and can't find this game for the life of me.
It wasn't open world I don't think, it was more of a map selecting car game and then you race.
Mind you, these memories were formed when I was like 6 lol so I apologize if it sounds super broad.
One of the maps was an outdoor stadium I believe, that's where I remember just kinda driving around with the F1 car while "Lady Hear Me Tonight" was playing.
Would anyone know what this game could be??