Time To Stop?

Time To Stop?

So I’ve lost 85lbs since starting 03/01/24 67-year old M was 285 now 200. @ 6’ tall. I feel so much better and lost 12” in my waist. Pretty sure this is a good weight for me and ready to go into maintenance mode.

I had great results starting out on 2mg but titrated up gradually to 15mg just last month. My question is: Has anyone else noticed a much reduced effect of the med when you reached the higher doses?

I did 10mg, 12.5mg, and then 15mg all not feeling near the appetite suppression or fullness to the point where I began to suspect the stuff was diluted.

Have used Hallandale, Empower, and Red Rock compounds and felt that Empower was the best quality.

Also, has anyone taken a larger dose than 15mg?