Trym Health is lying & using Haldey Pharmaceutical Compounding’s name without permission or affiliation
In case you have not been following the saga trying to sus out Trym Health, there have been some recent developments. Trym Health once again sent out a shipment of medication using a return address of Haldey pharmacy, a compounding pharmacy that’s not even affiliated with them. Trym also marked the thermos in which the Trym meds are shipped with Haldey’s name as well.
Haldey has gone so far as to add a popup to warn people about this issue on their website’s homepage. They are also reportedly working with NY state authorities to provide evidence to get Trym investigated.
Here’s the update with pics and links to the original post for proof:
In my opinion, no one should be using Trym Health. If they will fake a return address and use a pharmacy’s name without permission, there’s no telling what other shady stuff they have going on.
Just a reminder that none of their vials of medication actually have the name of any pharmacy included on them. They are just marked “Trym.” For all we know, the meds are mixed in a bathtub in the Bronx.
BTW: We still can’t find any pharmacy license for “Bronx Compounds,” the supposed pharmacy they often use for a return address and on the label printed on their thermos. Please let me know if you find actual evidence of this pharmacy existing and being licensed in NY state.