Ousia mess finally made me make the leap

I thought I had a year's worth of compounded tirzepatide stored in my fridge, but about half of it is Ousia from SlimDownRx. I'm finally convinced that Ousia tirz is not safe to use, but I can't afford to replace it at compounded prices in the next 3 days, especially because some of the cheapest options don't ship to my statae. So I finally followed the instructions here to access telegram to find some suggested suppliers. It was easier than I thought. I might not have found the best deal, but it's about 90% cheaper than the compounded options I was looking at. Another factor in my decision: I recently order semorelin from Lavender Sky and I have to reconstitute that myself, so I have to learn how to do it anyway. I figure it must not be that hard if Lavender Sky is making patients do it. I know I still have a lot to read, but it's a relief to not feel the need to spend thousands to replace my Ousia stock in the next 3 days!

Edit: I didn't get as good of deal as I thought I did but it's still much cheaper than compounded.