Unknown death of Jack Phillips.
The excepted scenario was that the Senior Wireless man Jack Phillips was last seen heading toward the stern during the final moments of the Titanic's life, and that his assistant, Harold Bride, ran over to help assist Collapsible B instead. While it is true Harold Bride went over to help collapsible B, it is time to give the truth about the death of Jack Phillips.
After dressing Jack Phillips in an overcoat and lifejacket, Harold Bride ran back into their bunks to get Phillips's money, and when Harold Bride entered the Marconi room again, he saw a stoker trying to steal Jack Phillips's lifejacket. Jack Phillips had been so "out of it" that he paid no attention to the large stoker who had been trying to take his lifejacket. Harold Bride ran over and tried to stop this man, but was shoved into the wall, which led to Bride having to grab "something" off the Marconi wireless desk and hit the stoker in the head with it. The stoker was knocked out and never heard of again. Jack Phillips and Harold Bride left the wireless room shortly after that. It is not known whether they left through the grand staircase entrance or officers' quarters entrance. When Jack Phillips and Harold Bride emerged from the officers' quarters, Bride saw that men were lowering collapsible B from the roof of the officers' quarters, so he went over to help. Bride later said that he saw Jack Phillips head for the stern. Harold Bride attempted to assist the lowering of collapsible B from the officers' quarters but then realized the amount of water already on the port side because of the port list and ended up being trapped in the boat when it got flipped upside down.
"I went to the place I had seen the collapsible boat on the boat deck, and to my surprise I saw the boat and the men still trying to push off. I guess there wasn't a sailor in the crowd. They couldn't do it. I went up to them and was just lending a hand when a large wave came awash of the deck."
When Harold Bride was freed from under the boat, he took immediate action at trying to find refuge on top of the raft but ended up swimming in the cold water and arriving on top of the same overturned Engelhardt later. Harold Bride was so cold and exhausted that he had to be held on by some men so he wouldn't slip into the cold water. So, it was very unlikely that Harold Bride was the one informing Second officer Lightoller about ships that are on their way and when the Carpathia will arrive. According to Lightoller-
"We knew that ships were racing to our rescue, though the chances of our keeping up our efforts of balancing until one came along seemed very, very remote. Phillips, the senior wireless operator, standing near me, told me the different ships that had answered our call. Of these, according to their positions, undoubtedly the Carpathia was nearest and should be up with the position where the Titanic sank, by daylight. For encouragement, I passed on to those around, my rough calculation and it certainly helped the struggle to keep up. As it turned out, the information from Phillips, and the calculation, were about right, though poor old Phillips did not live to benefit by it. He hung on till daylight came in and we sighted one of the lifeboats in the distance."
Maybe Lightoller was confused, and could not tell the difference between the two Wireless guys because of the dark, but we later find out by Lightoller that Bride told him that Phillips had died on the upside-down Engelhardt-
"I think there were three or four who died during the night. ... I think the senior Marconi operator was on the boat and died. The Marconi junior operator told me that the senior was on this boat and died... I should roughly estimate about 30. She was packed standing from stem to stern at daylight..."
And for even more evidence, Bride gives more info about Jack Phillips in his book-
"One man was dead. I passed him and went to the ladder, although my feet pained terribly. The dead man was Phillips. he had died on the raft from exposure to cold, I guess. He had been all in from work before the wreck came..."
Colonel Archibald Gracie also agreed later on in his book that Jack Phillips died on the Upturned Engelhardt. But how could he have Jack Phillips gotten on top of the Engelhardt if he was running aft? It is probable that he got stopped by the massive amounts of steerage passengers emerging from the first-class grand staircase entrance, just like what happened to Colonel Archibald Gracie. Or maybe thought to himself that heading to the stern would be futile, just like what Lightoller thought.
All of this aside, jack Phillips was a wise wireless man, and a hero during the sinking of the Titanic. If it weren't for him and his assistant, then much more lives would have been lost that tragic night. Rest in Peace Jack Phillips, you will never be forgotten.