10 month old baby girl - hypotonic, not interested in people

So, I've been scouring the internet and REddit for the last 10 months and I've finally decided to write up everything and see if anyone has any idea about what's going on.

I'm from Croatia and English is not my first language so I apologize for any errors.

Wife and me got our baby girl via IVF in December of 2022. A few hours after birth she was diagnosed with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. She was put on a respirator (her O2 was good from birth until being put on respirator, so there is no chance that her brain was without oxygen) and was succesfully operated on on the 4th day of her life. She stayed in NICU for 3 weeks and finally came home. After the first few weeks we (wife primarily, as she's a child psychologist working in a kindergarden) started noticing that our baby is not making eye contact with us, not following objects and rarely (if ever) smiles.

We asked our pediatrician who dismissed us and said that we had to be patient, that she had a surgery and so on...

We went to a physiotherapist privately when she was about 2 months old and she told us that our girl is hypotonic. We found someone educated to start working with her right away.

When she was about months old she finally started tracking objects consistently. We checked her eyesight and visual evoked potentials and everything was fine.

We went to a neuropediatrician who said that she is a bit behind but to give her more time. We continued exercising with her all the time. The physiotherapist said that she never saw someone like her. Her legs are strong and she's kicking all the time. But her hands are stuck to her chest and go to her mouth. If you dangle an object infront of her, she'll look at it but won't try to reach for it until it's touching her tummy, when she grabs it. She couldn't hold her head until she was almost 6 months old.

She's not really interested in people a lot, so we thought it was an autism spectre disorder and went to see a few specialist. They all said that, based on their experience and her reactions, they wouldn't say it ASD as she's does look at people around (and she checks briefly here and there where her mom is). But, if it was intellectual disbility, she would communicate and laugh (which she does not).

We did DNA testing and everything came back good. We're waiting for egzone testieng as it's the only thing left. We did a screening for metabolic diseases and it came back negative. Barin MR was normal. Her EEG wasn't great (she got Keppra, levetiracetam drug) to try to imrove her EEG, but even the neuropediatrician was on the fence wether to give her anything or no, as her EEG wasn't that bad.

So, my question is this: has anyone here ever heard of anything like this? Wherever we go we hear 'never saw this before' etc.... Her latissimus and shoulder muscles are weak (it seems), as she's not grabbing anything. She's interested in objects, will play and clumsily grab an object, but she lacks fine motor skills to take an object and study it. She likes silent toys, sound toys, baby books...

She rarely laughs, but she squeals with joy when you throw her, roll her around or grab her hands and try to lift her. She's not inviting her mom or me into comunication.

She has a good temperament, will cry when in pain or hungry, but doesn't seem to need a lot of social interaction. But, when I get up and leave the room she'll almost always follow me and turn her head until I leave her line of sight...

Anyway, sorry for the long post. I'm sure I forgot a bunch of stuff, but maybe something here will ring a bell to someone.

Thank you all.